The final Dip

 Blog by Melina Scherer

                                                                   Photo by Melina Scherer

    The final dip is when you know you are done dancing. This dip does not need to be big but its the right way to end the dance. 

    You may be confused why a dip and its just because one its a way to thank your partner for dancing with them and also a final spin can also step in place for that too. When you finish dancing with a partner its only right to thank them, they just danced with you for at least a solid 2 minutes and even if it wasn't a good dance they tried their best to do everything they could to dance with you. 

     Some ways to end the dance is to say "Thank you so much for dancing with me, I hope to dance with you again later" or "Wow that was a good dance, I appreciate you dancing with me tonight" This way you are showing respect to them and if you really want to dance with them again they will know you appreciated them dancing with you and you have a higher chance of dancing with them again. Respect goes a long way when you thank them for some hard work.


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