
Showing posts from December, 2023

The final Dip

 Blog by Melina Scherer                                                                                    Photo by Melina Scherer     The final dip is when you know you are done dancing. This dip does not need to be big but its the right way to end the dance.       You may be confused why a dip and its just because one its a way to thank your partner for dancing with them and also a final spin can also step in place for that too. When you finish dancing with a partner its only right to thank them, they just danced with you for at least a solid 2 minutes and even if it wasn't a good dance they tried their best to do everything they could to dance with you.       Some ways to end the dance is to say "Thank you so much for dancing with me, I hope to dance with you again later" or "Wow that was a good dance, I  appreciate you dancing with me tonight" This way you are showing respect to them and if you really want to dance with them again they will know you appreci

Tired of dancing the night away? POOL?

 Blog by Melina Scherer     Sometimes we need a break from dancing the night away, I always love a good game of pool . I at least play one game every time I go unless the table is taken up. You do not have to be good be able to play. I like that because I am not good and I still enjoy it. However you do have to be good to win.      I like that my dance hall/ bar I go to dance at has pool tables so that if I need a break from playing I can go and play some pool with my friends or a stranger and become friends with them. You can meet new people by playing a game with a stranger or even find a dance partner with someone you meet at the pool table.     I highly suggest trying to play pool or learning how to!,variations%20of%20pool%20is%20another.


 Blog by Melina Scherer                                                                             Photo by Melina Scherer     When you are country line dancing or country swing dancing it is very important to be wearing the right type of boots. Yep, I said boots country boots in particular. Above are the three country boots I own, from left to right are going to be my Ariat squared toe hybrid bottom boots, Shyanne fashion squared toe leather bottom boots and my Ariat round toe rubber bottom boots. When it comes to picking your boot to dance in it can be hard.     The reason I have these three boots, my rubber ones are great for anytime dressing up and I want more traction on the bottom of my boots. My fashion squared ones are great for dancing since they are all leather so its easy to spin in and they are fashionable. Lastly my newest pair my squared hybrid boot which is a leather bottom and a rubber bottom, these are easy to spin in and also gives me great traction I use these for

How to find a dance partner to do tricks with you

 Blog by Melina Scherer                                                                                Picture by Melina Scherer     After you find yourself a few swing dance partners you might be finding yourself wanting to elevate your skills . I enjoy personally doing a few tricks! But you also do not want to do tricks with just anyone, the person above was my boyfriend at the time. I trust him to in a way throw me around... but controlled! In the photo above he was doing a trick called side candle stick I get switched between both sides of his hips and then usually go up above his head to do a full candle stick.      How to find a partner to do this with you takes a lot of prior dance skills before hand. I suggest finding a good dance partner and asking them if they are up to learning how to do some tricks and if they are, you should practice them. I always look up on youtube how to do tricks before practicing and then get comfortable doing the trick with your partner before you t

How to find dance partners

 Blog by Melina Scherer                                                                                    Photo By Melina Scherer      You may be asking how do I meet all the people and get dance partners? I asked myself the same question. I would walk into the bar and everyone around me has friends and I wondered if I could become "one of them" could be a good dancer or if I could make the amount of dance partners they have. I did eventually but I had to do a few things to do that. One was to know what was truly going on. That meant practicing everything, from how to do some of the basic line dances to how to even turn correctly with boots on and having the right kind of boots too which we will get to later. There is so much that goes into it and its almost like any sport. you have to be willing to practice and put effort into it.      When you find a dance hall and you then go forward with learning, remember a few things. One do not  give up, it takes a lot of practice and

How Lilly and Isaac Got into Swing Dancing

Blog by Melina Scherer                                                                                     Photo by Melina Scherer      On the podcast link we can hear how Lilly Kobach and Isaac Hickman started to swing dance and how they use dancing as something they do in their relationship. It was cool to hear how they began dancing in the relationship and also how they use dancing as a form to spend time together. I have been lucky to know both of Lilly and Isaac before their relationship and also during their relationship and they are both are amazing people to know! I have enjoyed dancing with them both as they have their unique style to their dancing. Which is always fun to switch up who you are dancing with. Even though they are not really line dance people thats okay, we are all difference and i know some people who do not like swing dancing and strictly like to line dance. I personally love to both and I love switching up my dancing partner which is always good to do. We talk