
Showing posts from October, 2023

Do Not Get Scared

 Post by Melina Scherer                                                                                     Photo by Melina Scherer     Have you ever tried something new? Maybe your friend begged you to go somewhere with them and you were scared to try something new but you agreed to go? Did you end up LOVING it? The girls above in the picture felt the same. I had my birthday party at a swing dance bar recently and many of my friends had no idea what swing dancing was. By the end of the night they were so glad I introduced them to it.      We all should try something new every once in awhile if you ask me. I would not have discovered my love for swing dancing if I did not step outside of my comfort zone. I suggest you find a friend or two and try to go dancing too! Do not get discouraged, its fun and also great exercise but it takes practice. You may get asked by a guy or girl to dance, and even if you don't know them or if you do not know how to dance, you will have a blast danci

Country Music Central

 Post by Melina Scherer                                                                                                                 Photo by Melina Scherer      When you walk into a swing dance bar you'll hear loud music, laughing, and bright neon lights. You might recognize the music or you might have no idea what is playing. At a country bar you will mainly hear classic country music, but at a country swing dance bar you will for sure hear some up-beat country music as well. I've discovered so many new artists and songs this way.     When I invite people to go dancing with me, I always make sure I tell them to dress in their best country outfit and brace themselves for a lot of country music . I love a good country song and even better a country playlist. I have attached to this blog the country playlist I have made for music that is played at Dirty Dawgs ( the bar I mainly dance at). Some of my favorite songs to dance to are "Dancin' In The Country" by Tyl


Blog by Melina Scherer                                                                           Photo by Melina Scherer      Hey Y'all!                    My name is Melina , I am from the capital of Kansas: Topeka. I grew up in the city of Topeka but have some family out in the country too. I often like to say thats where I gained my love for the country. I grew up going to Texas where my uncle lives and we would go to a place called Garner State Park. Garner State Park is Located in Concan Texas.      Garner holds a special place in my heart, not only due to the late nights with my cousins but also learning to two-step and meeting some great friends. One of my friends Blaine, I met when I was a Freshman in High School and kept in contact with. We ended up both being at Garner the same night when I was a senior. We have been in touch all 4 years and many more after that. That night was a night to remember, we both grew up and talked all about what has happened in the past couple

The Different Types Of Swing Dancing

 Post by Melina Scherer                                                                                          Photo by Melina Scherer                          When you hear about swing dancing you may think it is just one kind of style of dancing, but actually that is false! There are many styles of swing dancing , from West Coast, East Coast and to Midwestern. When there are many different styles of dancing you should look into the bar and the location of the bar before you hit the dance floor.      I have never gone dancing outside the midwest but however I have seen many videos, and what I have learned about the coast dancing is they like to funky dance and it looks fun but however midwestern dancing is going to be more smooth and more about the moves you do.           When going out and Dancing you should insure you are aware of the kind of dancing they will be doing and if they will be doing any line dances or if it is going to be mainly swing only.                             

Outfits To Wear When Swing Dancing

 Post by Melina Scherer                                                                 Photo by Melina Scherer     When we go country swing dancing it is important to make sure you are dressed properly . Sometimes you may be doing more than just spinning and you may be doing some flips( if you are up to Insuring you have a outfit that is cute and has a western style will insure you fit into the crowd but you also want to make sure you do not wear something someone could get caught on.      The girl in the white shirt (Lilly) she is wearing a outfit that is cute and also allows her to do some really cool tricks. The girl on the right ( Melina) is wearing a dress, I would not suggest wearing a dress unless you have practiced dancing in a dress before hitting the floor. I practiced with this black flowy dress with my friends. I did not do any tricks that night when I went dancing but I still did dance and kept it to the basics. When I mean I kept it to the basics I kept it t

How To Find Swing Dancing In Your Area

 Post by Melina Scherer Photo by Melina Scherer     Many of you may not know what country swing dancing is. Some of you may know a little bit about swing dancing through TikTok or instagram reels, or if you are like me, you grew up with country swing dancing. I personally had the chance to go to Texas every year and two step with strangers. Yep, that's right, complete strangers that I had never met. I would come back to kansas and wish I had a place I could go two stepping or go swing dancing.       I did some research and found some country bars here in Kansas. One of the places is, Wild Horse Saloon. Wild Horse Saloon is located in Topeka, Kansas and you have to be 21 to enter into the building and they have a nice dance floor. One of my personal favorite location to dance at is Dirty Dawgs in Manhattan, Kansas. I really like Dirty Dawgs due to a few reasons, one being I have met some good friends there and we have all grown since we all have began to dance, and also they have p